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Citation guidelines

The data available in this site should be cited as follows: 

  1. ​If you want to use the eleven original countries: Matthias Blum, Cristian Ducoing and Eoin McLaughin. "A Sustainable Century?: Genuine Savings in Developing and Developed Countries, 1900-2000." National Wealth: What is Missing, Why it Matters. Oxford University Press, 2017.

  2. If you want to use more than 5 countries of the data base: Cristián Ducoing, Eoin McLaughlin and Les Oxley. "Tracing Sustainability in the long run. Genuine Savings estimations 1850 - 2020" LSR Working paper series (forthcoming. This data would be updated constantly)

  3. If you want to use individuals countries, please, follow the bibliographical reference available in the Excel files.  


Genuine Savings 1850 - 2020 (thirty two countries) Forthcoming 

Genuine Savings 1900 - 2000 (eleven countries, V.1 [2017])


Blum, Matthias, Cristián Ducoing, and Eoin McLaughlin. "A sustainable century." in National wealth: what is missing, why it matters (2017): 89-113.

Excel file





R data


Gretl file


Stata file 




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